The most important question that confronts the mind of a researcher is to publish his research in an open access or subscription based journals. Publishing in open access journal through our reliable and professional publication support services team is beneficial for researchers. Here we give you a rundown on the positive aspects of publishing in an open access journal.
Writing a medical thesis is always cumbersome and time-consuming for the research scholars. However, you can save your valuable man–hours and write a flawless thesis by paying attention to the Do’s and Don’ts for medical thesis writing.
Documenting the results of your research in the form of a manuscript is harder than conducting a research itself. Many scientists are clueless on where and how to begin writing a medical manuscript.
But, not when you have these 7 steps in mind!
7 Steps to Write Your Research Paper Faster
1.Outline the format of the paper
Introduction to research topic
Hypothesis of research
Materials and methods used
Key findings
Discussion on the results of research
2.Introduce your research topic
Provide relevant background information on the topic
State the implications of your work with in-text citations
3.Define your hypothesis
Write in present tense
Give brief overview of your experimental design
4.Materials and methods used in research
Write in past tense
Organize it in sub-sections with headings
5.Key results of research
Organize it in sub-sections with headings
Use tables, figures, and graphs to support the data
6.Discussion of results
Describe the main findings of your research
Address the hypothesis showing evidence from your results
Report how the results relate to the previous studies in the field