What Cognibrain Scientific Editing Services Offers to You?
Our scientific editors possess a unique blend of scientific knowledge and language expertise to refine and polish your research paper that fits the journal of your choice. We offer scientific editing services in three stages:
Stage 1: Language editing
Your research paper is submitted to our English language expert in the preliminary stage to remove all jargon and correct the grammatical mistakes. This allows the other editors in the process to focus on the ideas of your research, and not its language.
Stage 2: Developmental editing
It is the mainstay of our scientific manuscript editing process and encompasses the following:

Stage 3: Quality assurance
Finally, we submit your paper to another editor of our team who examines each and every detail and provides an additional feedback to improve your scientific research paper for its best quality.
Rely on our scientific editing services to deliver accurate, error free scientific paper to get published in International journals. As a scientific manuscript editing services company we have extensive experience in scientific and medical journal publication.
Publishing a scientific manuscript in a high impact is a cumbersome task. Your research paper may get rejected even before it reaches the peer review process.
Use of poor language, too many grammatical and punctuation mistakes, improper sentence construction, inaccuracy of the presented facts, figures, and tables, improper formatting of the research paper, and failure to write according to the journal guidelines are the reasons for its rejection.
That’s why it’s critical to proofread and edit your research paper before submitting it for publication in a journal. Thorough and competent editing of your scientific research paper can save you from the distress of rejection.
But what is scientific editing? What does it comprise of?
Scientific editing is much beyond eliminating the grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation errors in your research paper. It is to revise your paper and make each piece of information contained in it clear and precise.
However proficient and focused you might be while writing your research paper, you tend to make mistakes in the spellings, language, and flow of information.
Thus, you need to check all these facts and revise them during scientific paper editing. After all, your paper is for the readers; to inform and instruct them about the new advances in the medical field. And it will be useless to publish a paper that doesn’t serve this purpose, that doesn’t engage your readers in reading your research paper. So, editing of a scientific manuscript is crucial before it is submitted for publication.
Scientific paper editing comprises of checking the following parameters in your research paper:
But, scientific editing is not easy! And your submission deadline is near.
However, getting an immediate solution is now easy with CogniBrain! Take help of our professional scientific paper editing services. We offer top-notch scientific manuscript editing services to make your research communication appeal the journal editors.

Why choose our scientific editing services?
There’s something that sets our scientific editing services stand out. Our unique features comprise of:
Our scientific editing services comprise of copy editing, substantive editing, editing of research paper, medical manuscript editing, formatting of references, validating the facts or GAP analysis, document glossary, scientific and English proof-reading, camera-ready and power-point formatting.
Our Specialty Scientific Writing Domains
Medical Domain
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
ENT (Otorhinolaryngology)
Emergency Medicine
Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Respiratory medicine
Public Health
Clinical Oncology
Dermatology &Venereology
Hematology & Immunology
Clinical Pharmacology
Clinical Psychology
General Medicine
Community Medicine
Clinical Physiology
Clinical Microbiology
Forensic Medicine
Clinical Biochemistry
Clinical Nutrition
Pain Management
Aviation Medicine
Hospital Administration
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Clinical Psychology
Alternative Medicine
Medical Genetics
Surgical Domain
Surgical Gastroenterology
Genito-urinary Surgery
Plastic surgery
Surgical Oncology
Transplant Surgery
Ophthalmologic surgery
Head & Neck Surgery
Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery
Trauma, Burn and Surgical Critical Care
Dental Domain
Oral Pathology
Pediatric Dentistry
Geriatric Dentistry
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Dental Public Health